Silver prices on MCX are trading higher on Monday. MCXSILVER September contract was trading at Rs 43800 up Rs 162, or 0.37 percent. MCX SILVER July contract was trading at Rs 43152 per kg, up Rs 162, or 0.38
percent. The SILVER rate touched an intraday high of Rs 43471 and an intraday
low of Rs 43050. So far 7819 contracts have been traded. SILVER prices have
moved down Rs 21858, or 33.62 percent in the July series so far.
MCX SILVER September contract was trading at Rs 43800 up Rs
162, or 0.37 percent. The SILVER rate touched an intraday high of Rs 44116 and an
intraday low of Rs 43712. So far 335 contracts have been traded. SILVER prices
have moved down Rs 13519, or 23.59 percent in the September series so far. MCX SILVER December contract was trading at Rs 44777 up Rs 80, or 0.18 percent. The
SILVER rate touched an intraday high of Rs 45062 and an intraday low of Rs
44777. So far 4 contracts have been traded. SILVER prices have moved down Rs
2392, or 5.07 percent in the December series so far.
Source : .Money Control
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